Things I never compromise with are the lack of energy and the absence of passion. CLab obviously meets this criteria and cheers to all the amazing people I rock this insanity with!
Who I am
An enthusiastic and energetic challenge seeker and very passionate about everything I do, namely, a) creating shared values and advancing business development in 3 circular economy-related business units, b) working at School of Innovation as a Lecturer, c) while finishing a double-degree PhD in Computer Science.
My past activities were performed in music, TV production and entertainment fields, but also in marketing and advertising environment. Mainstream media still recognizes me as “Idol” and #1 informative press portal’s Co-founder & CEO who lives somewhere abroad, in Poland, Switzerland Germany, South Africa, Spain and now Italy. Formally, I finished both Psychology and Industrial Engineering, informally, I’m an extreme sports freak.
What I learned from CLab Trento
- The art of saying “NO” is what opens up the right path and what brings your energy-level co-workers into your life.
- Embrace the diversity! This environment helps is not only advancing your startup development skills, more importantly, it’s responsible for your personal expansion too!
- CLab stands for “clubbing” – no matter what you do, never stop having fun!