• 28 Maggio 2020
    16:30 - 20:00
  • Live streaming



This 8th edition of Start-Up Lab has been successfully moved online. Now, our 3-month journey that aimed to go through the must-know essentials and strategies for early-stage startup founders is going to the end. 130 participants, master students, researchers and young professionals with different backgrounds, ranging from biology to human-computer interactions, from linguistics to physics are going to present their projects.

This first LIVE DEMO DAY will take place completely online through YouTube

All the finalists will have 4 minutes to present their idea to the jury and convince them about the strength of their business ideas and the team as well. To join the presentations and see how entrepreneurship and innovation take shape click on this link

The public will also be called to vote for the best presentation and assign the People’s Choice Award. How?

Go on our Facebook page, look at the presentation videos and vote your favourite!


Join Live Demo Day


16:30 - Team's video presentations
18:00 - People Choice Award: go on our FB page and find out how to vote
19:00 - Keynote Speaker Jari Ognibeni
19:45 - Winners announcement!