• 13-17 Dicembre 2018
    17:30 - 19:30
  • CLab Trento
    Piazza di Fiera, 4
    38122 - Trento
What happens if we combine topics like IoT and Big Data with well-being and quality of life?

Digital for Good is your occasion to understand how technology can play a role in tackling the main challenges of our society.

If your goal is to learn more about cutting-edge solutions in this field and get inspired to find your own, we have the right event for you!

During this three sessions, experts will help the participants to expand their knowledge about the synergy between technology like wearables, IoT, big data and fields like ageing, well-being and quality of life.

Subsequently, the participants, divided into groups, will generate innovative ideas by trying to solve some of the puzzles presented by the experts. Each group will be assisted by the teachers and some mentors. Finally, during the last session, the groups will present their ideas in front of a jury made of local experts.

Thursday 13 December

Mega trend, new technologies and business model to promote the common good.

Giampaolo Armellin: business perspective
Daniele Miorandi: technology perspective

19:30-20:30Ideas pitch and team formation
Friday 14 December
17:30-20:30Idea consolidation and mentoring
Monday 17 December
17:00-18:30Team working
18:30-19:30Project presentations

Main speakers: Giampaolo Armellin and Daniele Miorandi.