Survey over 200 mountain bikers world wide and had consistent results that 67% of them ride alone. Studying injury reports from Italy, Austria and Germany we found out that 30% of them have had severe injuries like broken spines or collar bones. Many bikers bring with them the smartphone because it is the only emergency tool until now, but it happened they have broken it during crashes or they bring more than one to feel safer. Moreover, existing solutions drain much of smartphone battery.
Engel is a bottle-shaped IoT device which has the capability to automatically detect a crash and alert your emergency contacts. It is using state-of-the-art robust sensors, and GPS and GSM technology. First of all, the biker can set up your emergency contacts inside the app. After an accident, these contacts will be informed in case the biker doesn’t respond within one minute.
This way, his/her lovely ones will be promptly aware of your precise location and you can be rescued in an easier and faster manner. Our goal is to avoid any false alarms. We have designed a reliable system that will be ONLY activated in case of a serious crash.
Finally, we built a gradual user interactive alerting system that will contact your emergency contacts after a customizable time-frame.
If help and assistance are needed, Engel's got your back.