Federico Giovannini

CLabber - Start Up Lab, Innovation Olympics

If you have had enough of typical university courses, just go to CLab: its environment, projects and awesome mentors will let you learn (by doing and having fun) how to succeed once you’ll be out there.

federico giovannini
Who I am

I’m an innovation management student, musician and start-upper wannabe. I always look forward to stimulating challenges to achieve them with success (failures are accepted) with a team of smart and diverse people.

I had a business idea in my mind and I was eager to learn how to implement it: CLab was the right place to be!

What I learned from CLab Trento
  • Fail fast and cheap, learn and iterate is the key to succeed.
  • Don’t assume anything you believe, validate everything people (customers).
  • Grow a project as your own baby is the job I want to do.

CLab made me more creative, enterprising and open to change. This encouraged me to choose innovation management as my major. I hope that having CLab experiences on my cv will also convince recruiters.