Established national companies, corporations and innovative startups. Those are just part of the organizations involved in the CLab Trento's activities. Discover what they say and start being part of our contamination.
During Innovation Olympics, many ideas and proposals have emerged that are the lifeblood for the projects we should undertake in the future. What has always been one of the key elements of A22's choices, to invest in young people and innovation, with CLab Trento finds its best declination.
For us, Enactus is a critical partner in our Lifelong Learning strategy. At KPMG, we understand that the future will only be successful and prosperous if there is access to education for all. As part of our focus on Lifelong Learning, we are partnering with Enactus globally —and so with CLab Trento— to educate and inspire the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs.
We believe that the work that we did and we're doing with CLab Trento is very much helping us taking a different point of views. We've been very pleased with the work that was done by students because it hasn't been easy for them to understand our business but at the same time, it has been a reality check for us on how the new generation thinks.
I think that it's wonderful to have so many young people involved in the project because they are the only ones who can really bring in new ideas. Most of the startups are launched by young people because they can bring so many new ideas from which to start a business.
We did Innovation Olympics to get information, inputs, innovation from outside. We wanted to have fresh view of things becouse often in reality the new ideas are not easy to create and to realize. Thanks to CLab, we were sure about the innovative solutions that the students would bring to us.
We are so enthusiast about our Innovation Olympics with CLab Trento! This experience has proven very successful from the very beginning on. Companies have truly international teams working for them; also, Universities from different countries are often involved, thanks to UniTrento’s international connections. This mix adds much enthusiasm to the competition and great value to the final result for the company.